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Learning Styles continued...

What is the Verbal Linguistic Learning Style?


Verbal linguistic learning style refers to a person's ability to reason, solve problems, and learn using language.


Characteristics of Verbal Linguistic Learning Styles


  • Verbal Linguistically talented people flourish in school activities such as reading and writing.

  • They express themselves well and are usually good listeners with a well-developed memory for material they've read and recall of spoken information. Language fascinates people with verbal linguistic learning styles, and they enjoy learning new words and exploring ways to creatively use language, as in poetry. They may enjoy learning new languages, memorizing tongue twisters, playing word games, and reading 


How do Verbally Linguistic Learning Styled People Learn Best?

  • People with verbal linguistic learning styles learn best when taught using spoken or written materials. They prefer activities that are based on language reasoning rather than abstract visual information. Math word problems are more appealing to verbal linguistic learners than solving equations. They usually enjoy written projects, speech and drama classes, debate, language classes, and journalism.​

Verbal Linguistic Learning Style Career Choices

  • Verbal linguistic learning style students with high levels of verbal intelligence often seek careers such as teaching English, language arts, drama, and debate at k-12 or post-secondary institutions.

  • They frequently choose careers such as professional writer, news correspondent, poet, creative writer, attorney, publicist, advertising agent, psychologist, speech pathologist, and editorial positions.

Linguistic and Logical Learning Styles

What is a Mathematical Logical Learning Style?


  • Mathematical Logical learning style refers to a person's ability to reason, solve problems, and learn using numbers, abstract visual information, and analysis of cause and effect relationships. Mathematical-logical learners are typically methodical and think in logical or linear order.

  • They may be adept at solving math problems in their heads and are drawn to logic puzzles and games.

Characteristics of Mathematical Learning Styles

  • People with mathematical logical learning styles enjoy school activities such as math, computer science, technology, drafting, chemistry and other "hard sciences," and design. Mathematical linguistic learners prefer logical order in instruction and often work best in structured, organized environments. They have strong visual analysis and memory and problem solving skills. Natural tinkerers and builders, they enjoy bringing mathematical and conceptual ideas into reality via hands-on projects such as computer assisted design, creating electronic devices, using computer applications, or programming computers.


Mathematical Logical Learning Styled People Learn Best

  • People with mathematical logical learning styles learn best when taught using visual materials, computers, statistical and analytical programs, and hands-on projects.

  • They prefer structured, goal-oriented activities that are based on math reasoning rather than less structured, creative activities with inexact learning goals. Mathematical logical learners would find a statistical study more appealing than analyzing literature or keeping a journal.

Mathematical Logical Learning Styles Career Choices

  • The mathematically and logically talented student may be drawn to careers such as computer programming and design or electronic, mechanical, or chemical engineering.

  • Drafting, accounting, finance and investment, architecture, and the sciences may also be appealing to people with mathematical logical learning styles.



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